Skywalk Group

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3 Challenges Facing Hiring Managers and how RPO Can Help

Finding key talent is an essential building block to a strong company. From the ability to think outside the box to clear communication and commitment, the trademarks of a good employee are vast. However, finding these resources can come with obstacles. In today’s technological world, job postings garner increased exposure and the pace of hiring has shifted. Managers are becoming overwhelmed by applicants and finding the right fit is increasing difficult. At Skywalk Group, we make it our goal to help your business succeed. Discover how you can overcome these common hiring obstacles with help from our team!


Vacant jobs are one of the leading reasons businesses lose, not only money, but valuable time. By analyzing the cost of vacancy for each unfilled job, your company could be severely limiting its resources. This could either be through a monetary amount, such as paying a temporary agency, or it can be through the loss of productivity resulting from the position being vacant. Additionally, this loss is also felt though the time it takes to hire a new employee and the cost associated with onboarding. Adding to this burden is the actual cost of turnover, which factors in hiring advertisements, the risk of a bad new client relation or a potential sale that was turned away owing to the vacancy. Due to this, the average cost to replace a new employee making $60,000 annually will set the company back anywhere from $30,000 to $45,000.


With social media and online job boards making it easier than ever to apply for a new career, it may seem like a blessing for hiring managers. However, the sheer number of applications makes it difficult to discover top talent. Due to the ease of application, employers have reported that sometimes as many as 75 percent of candidates are not actually qualified to do the job in which they have applied. Not only does this waste valuable company time but it makes it increasingly likely that you could miss an employee that could benefit your company.


With time, money and selection hampering your candidate search, your business becomes increasing susceptible to making the wrong decision. By spending your valuable resources on a new employee, only to find they are the wrong fit for your company, you double your loss. This additional turnover can hamper your growth as well as send a negative message to your current staff. These factors can decrease morale and possibly damage your company’s reputation.

How We Can Help

With decades of experience, our dedicated staff at Skywalk Group has the expertise necessary to grow your company. By utilizing our OnRecurit® model, you can find the customized help you need to get the perfect fit the first time and save up to 50 percent in recruiting and hiring costs. Contact our staff today to find out how we can help your business succeed!