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Successfully Manage A Large Team With These 3 Tips

Successfully Manage A Large Team With These 3 Tips

If you are new to management or have recently moved into a more senior role, it can be intimidating to be responsible for a big team. Being in a managerial position can be a massive adjustment full of new responsibilities. With 2 out of every 5 employees planning on quitting their jobs within the next year, successfully managing your team and keeping them motivated can seem daunting. We’ve put together three ways that you can set your team up for success in the coming months.

1.       Engage Your Team

Believe it or not, nearly 70% of managers are not comfortable talking with their direct reports. If you break things down, a vast majority of team issues stem from this lack of communication. An improvement in communication between you and your employees can bring a huge increase in engagement among team members. Engagement can not only prevent employee turnover but can also increase customer satisfaction and bottom-line profitability.

2.       Build Relationships

If your team isn’t collaborating effectively, it’s going to be difficult to achieve big goals. By building relationships with each employee, you can help them identify their strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to build an effective and well-balanced team. Regularly scheduled feedback is critical, and meetings, face-to-face talks or even video calls can help you maintain your relationships with direct reports.

3.       Leading the New Normal

The workplace is more diverse than ever. Inclusive companies are almost two times as likely to be a leader in their market. As the manager of a diverse team, it is your responsibility to make sure that respect and acceptance is practiced by everyone. This can be particularly useful when working with coworkers, customers, and other companies abroad. Be sure to understand customs and avoid clichés that may be offensive.

Being the manager of a large team can be overwhelming, even for the most seasoned veterans. However, if you want to keep your team intact and happy, it is important to develop skills and strategies to keep them motivated and engaged. If you need help with leadership training or finding the right candidates for your team, Skywalk Group can help!