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The Art of a Successful Onboarding Process

The Art of a Successful Onboarding Process

ONBOARDING:  the process by which an employee becomes oriented and acclimated to a new role and/or working environment through training and predetermined steps. Ultimately, the new member to the organization will gain information and skills to become an effective and valued adding contributor to the organization.

Onboarding takes on many forms including introductions and meetings, reading materials, videos, lectures, paperwork and computer-based learning formats; most often a combination of several experiences combined to fully introduce a new employee to a work environment and set him/her up for success. What can be deemed a stressful experience can become a very rewarding part of an employee’s first 90 days of employment. A successful and consistent onboarding practice can increase a newcomer’s commitment to an organization and productivity which ultimately impacts the organization’s bottom-line and takes burden away from co-workers who often make up for a weak or non-existent onboarding plan.

Remembering these important components may impact how you proceed with this important first and lasting impression of a new employee:

Who? The new employee receives the company information from whom? A message from the top is a great way to bring people into understanding the bottom-line and the ‘big picture.’ Company philosophies, mission statements, vision and values are critical to know from the start, in order to succeed. A new employee needs to understand the objectives of the company.

What? do you want your message to be? Most often employers will say ‘Welcome Aboard’ and ‘You are valued.’ Although both are important messages, additional follow up and preparation is needed to ensure a person can succeed in a new business, a new role and a new environment.  What is the more specific message? A new employee needs to understand the objectives of the company and the responsibilities he/she has…along with the associated department, branch, region and or other important work groups within an organization. It is important to share â€˜What are we doing (and why--more on that shortly)?’

When?  As of day one, a new employee has much to learn; from meeting people to learning where the restrooms are and where to park. By answering the obvious and not so obvious questions, a new employee will be moving more efficiently, from the start.

Where (as a company) are we now and where do we want to be? A consistent message to all with the answer to this will help everyone work toward the right goals from the start.

Why?  The answer to ‘why’ we are doing what we are doing is important for all employees-new and seasoned. This message should be clear to all. Being creative in how you deliver this message with consistency is critical for an organization to become and remain successful. A new employee is also more likely to ‘buy-in’ to what needs to be done after gaining understanding of ‘why’ the goals and objectives are what they are.

How? do we get there? Okay Managers, this is your important role in the onboarding experience…explaining how to get results long and short term, and what tools are needed such as; Are the tools for the new person available? Are all roadblocks removed for new employees so that they have what is needed to get started without obstacles?

  • Computers

  • Reference material / forms

  • Introductions

  • Contact information

  • Clear expectations of what to do

  • Performance standards

  • Employee handbook

Maybe a lunch plan on the first day is appropriate to answer any new questions and to define how you will go forward with one on one meetings during the first 90 days. Setting expectations sets your new contributor up for success! This is easier said than done –but do-able!

Results?  A happy employee who achieves results in a most efficient way and timeframe. Need help? Do not hesitate to check in with Skywalk Group for answers to your computer-based onboarding needs. We can help develop your tools so that the process is meaningful, consistent and efficient to help everyone get the job done!