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The Three Cs to Improving Workplace Communication

Improving workplace communication

Although a successful workplace relies on a large collaboration of efforts and methods, the true cornerstone is communication. In order to achieve success, a business must utilize all of its talent effectively to create a functional and clear system that helps each team member thrive. However, managers can often succumb to deadlines, assumptions and technology as roadblocks to effectively addressing their employees. To help your company increase productivity and build better relationships, Skywalk Group presents the three C’s to aid in improving workplace communication:


Being a manager means a dedication to a wide variety of projects. Due to this, it can be easy to become caught up in deadlines, and place employee instructions on the backburner. However, if you give directions with no clear goals, it can lead the way for costly mistakes. To maximize performance, issue instructions in simple and understandable terms.  Confirm that each member of the task has a clear objective. Lastly, ask follow up questions to identify any potential problems.


Employees want to be valued. As a manager, it is your goal to get the most production out of each team member. In order to do this, you need to put them in a position to succeed. If they are having issues with a task, do not condescend. Instead, meet them face-to-face to avoid technology translation errors. Then, focus on the problem instead of passing judgments on potential personality failings, such as believing a worker is lazy or entitled. It could be that the wrong person is assigned to the task or, if a new employee is on the project, they may have not received the adequate training to handle the issue solo. By staking an interest in the project and dedicating time to ensuring that your team has the best method as well as the required resources, you improve your relationship and proactively avoid future errors.


When dealing with an employee problem, it can seem simpler to confront a group as opposed to an individual. However, doing so can lead to increased problems. By sending out company-wide memos or emails with no lack of specifications when addressing issues, it can put each team member on the defense and further aggravate the situation. In order to solve conflicts effectively, always be sure to praise employees in public and criticize in private.

Leaders are the backbone for their company. By providing clear communication, they can make each employee feel valued so that the overall business goals are met. To help your managers grow, Skywalk Group has a proven Leadership Training program to maximize your team performance. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business.