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How an RPO Can Contribute to Your Success through a Consultative Partnership


Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) is an easy way to attract top people while reducing the cost and time of hiring. By transferring most, if not all, of your company’s recruitment processes to an external service provider, you can free up company time and resources.  However, utilizing an RPO is more than just passing off recruiting responsibilities to a third party, it’s about building a consultative partnership.

There are multiple advantages of using an RPO and creating a partnership. Recruitment needs are changing every day. Often times, positions you held just a few years ago are obsolete today. By having a third party to work with, you can utilize their growing database of ideas and strategies that you may not have the time or manpower to come up with. Your RPO is not only a vendor working for you, the customer, but a partner that can bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. Some of the other RPO advantages include:

  • A larger and potentially more engaged network of candidates

Sitting back and waiting for the best candidate to walk through your door can be a lengthy process. There is no guarantee that the people that respond will be the right fit. Using your current brand standards and an in-depth talent pool, you can bring in the right candidates that will help your company succeed.

  • Improved brand management and reputation

Having an RPO is like having an advocate for everything your company represents and what it is trying to accomplish. In the process of recruiting, an RPO is essentially selling your brand. By continuing to improve brand awareness, you are going to become an employer that candidates want to work for.

  • Reduce employee turnover

After going through the lengthy recruiting process, the worst thing that can happen is the employee doesn’t stick around. Reduce that employee turnover by finding the right fit the first time.

  • Increase the quality of talent within your company

By having an expanded and extensive candidate selection to pull from, an RPO can easily find the best person for the job. By increasing the quality of your hires, you are increasing the talent within your company and therefore increasing your brand as a whole.

Utilizing an RPO can set you up for success. Not only does it free up time and resources but it increases your chances of finding the right person for the job the first time. It can also provide you with the best talent available to increase the overall quality of your company. Skywalk Group offers RPO services to meet the needs of your business and has successfully filled thousands of positions using this model for its clients. Start the process today by visiting Skywalk Group today.