The ROI of RPO Services: 10 Reasons To Outsource Recruiting
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During an economic downturn, you need the most talented people on board to keep your organization thriving and to emerge stronger. Yet, many business leaders look at recruiting costs as a line item in a ledger, instead of an investment in the future growth and success of their company. With the right partner, you could see a high return on that investment, setting your company up for success for the long haul. Simply put, the ROI of outsourcing your recruiting strategy is too good to ignore! Here are 10 ways working with an RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) partner can assist in helping with your talent strategy, and catapult your business into future success.
1. More Hands
Spend your time where it’s needed most in the business. Let the sourcing and recruiting professionals take over finding and screening candidates. Then when it’s time for background tests and drug screenings, let your RPO partner or HR Consultant handle it. All you have to do is prepare for and welcome your new star employee!
2. Higher Quality Talent
Your RPO partner should be primarily focused on expanding and searching for quality talent, not quantity, but this is especially true during a poor economy. The more talented and agile your workforce is, the easier it is to have your organization adapt to a rapidly changing market.
3. Proven Strategy
No more guessing games on which recruiting method or job board is the best! With an RPO partner you get a proven talent acquisition strategy, market intel, case studies, testimonials, and metrics to back up the success and expertise of the RPO.
4. Budget Friendly
Many business leaders have a misconception that outsourcing their recruiting strategy is more expensive than DIY’ing it. But with a good RPO partner, you can customize the services and the scope of work to fit within your budget and still cover your specific business needs. An effective RPO solution can decrease a company's cost to bring the right person on board, while increasing the number of candidates to consider. An RPO uses tools, techniques and outreach to increase recruiting effectiveness and results, while keeping down cost.
5. Talent Pipeline
An effective RPO will have many proven methods to increase and reach your talent pipeline Whether you are not getting the qualified candidates you are seeking, or receiving multiple applicants for one position, that takes time away from focusing on your business. This is what your RPO partner is for! They’ll sift through applications and build you a pipeline of quality candidates that is yours to access for hiring needs now, or whenever you have more positions to fill.
6. As Involved As You Need
Working with an RPO isn’t an all-or-nothing deal. You can customize the amount of involvement they have within your overall talent acquisition strategy. Maybe you just need help reaching out to qualified talent, sourcing quality candidates, need assistance with the initial phone screens, or maybe you are really looking to outsource the entire recruiting function. With RPO, pretty much anything is possible.
7. On-Demand
RPO isn’t a monthly or annual contract. There’s no fee-per-hire. You pay hourly for exactly the amount of assistance your business requires. When you’re satisfied with the results, you tell us to slow down or stop. It’s really that simple!
8. 100% Visibility
You want detailed reports and metrics on how your RPO partner is doing? You got it! A good RPO relationship will include complete visibility on both sides, so that the RPO partner understands the needs and concerns of your business, and you can see how they are performing at any time. A successful RPO partnership is transparent for both groups.
9. Increased Reach
Recruiting professionals have a lot of tools and tricks in their arsenal, plus a wide strategic network of colleagues and potential candidates. You can reach so many more people in much less time by utilizing their experience and resources!
10. Candidate Recruiting Experience
A candidate’s recruiting experience might seem like something to be put on the back-burner. But it’s incredibly important for your current and future reputation as a business and as an employer, that potential employees get a great first impression of your organization during their recruiting and interviewing process Whether they have a great experience or a terrible one, they’ll definitely be telling their friends about it.
There you have it – 10 ways RPO provides a top-notch return on your investment, and sets your business up for further future success. We could think of at least 62 more reasons, but that’d be way too much to read!
If you recognize some of the challenges presented here, feel free to reach out to any one of our recruiting professionals, or give us a call: 319-743-9830. Our RPO model is unique, on-demand, and affordable!
By Jessica Palmer