Skywalk Group

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Why Diversity is the Top Recruitment Driver for Your Company

Growing a strong team for your workforce is the foundation of a successful company. However, blinders can often prevent businesses from experiencing ultimate results. With diversity taking a front seat in current hiring efforts, discover how your team can benefit from incorporating a wide range of backgrounds, cultures, and lifestyles to come out stronger.

The Numbers Don’t Lie

When it comes to hiring a workforce, managers may not realize they are lacking diversity until it is pointed out. However, limiting yourself to the familiar can cost your company money. Racially diverse teams outperform homogeneous groups by 35 percent according to a McKinsey reach study. Additionally, companies in the top quartile for gender diversity are 15 percent more likely to have financial returns above their national industry peers. Although this growth is not automatic, it is sufficient to say that, in general, businesses that are committed to diverse leadership are more successful.

Why Diversity Benefits Business

Henry Ford once famously said, ‘If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.’ Implementing this morale into your workforce is a key building block to a successful future. Ditching the past allows you to find great new talents that can connect with customers on a personal level and encourage innovation.  Additionally, placing an emphasis on creating a welcoming workplace for all is a key culture driver and can decrease turnover. By continuing to expand your team and incorporating new and creative personalities, you can begin to experiment outside the box. From this, the sky is the limit.

In order to build a successful workforce, it is essential to commit to change. Skywalk Group is here to help with the experience and expertise you need to create a vibrant culture. Contact us today to learn how we can help you grow!