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Why You Shouldn't Hit the Hiring Brake this Holiday Season

Hiring in the holiday season

For employers, the holiday season may seem like the time to slow the hiring search and regroup after the New Year. However, doing so can make your company miss out on valuable candidates as well as potential financial benefits. At Skywalk Group, we are breaking down the holiday hiring myths to give your company the advantage this season.

MYTH: The holidays are not a good time to hire qualified applicants.

In the current job market, an average of 250 resumes are received for each job opening. Each and every week, approximately 427,000 resumes are posted on job boards alone. Due to this, the real firewall in finding the right candidate is getting through the walls of unqualified applicants. In this regard, the holidays can be one of your greatest weapons. Since potential applicants may slow their job search during November and December, the number of resumes may diminish in quantity but increase in quality. Devoted individuals who take the time and effort to procure an interview during the holiday season have already demonstrated their commitment to the position, giving you valuable insight on how they may perform as an employee.

MYTH: Scheduling interviews will prove difficult during the holidays.

Holidays naturally bring time away from the office. Vacation days, shortened hours, and end of the year celebrations can make scheduling a potential nightmare. To combat this, speak with your interviewees about going digital. By utilizing web meetings, video interviewing, and other tech savvy tactics, you can still find the right person for the job before the New Year.

MYTH: It is more affordable to wait until after the New Year.

Delaying interviews may not only cause you to overlook qualified candidates, but it could also have potentially damaging financial effects. If your company operates on a yearly recruitment and hiring budget linked to the calendar year, holiday hiring could help you capitalize on your available resources. By contacting the candidate now, you can avoid dipping into next years’ assets.

It can be tempting to ease back during the holidays, but missing out on these seasonal advantages could be detrimental to your business. By utilizing these helpful tactics, you will be able to start the year on the right track. For more helpful resources on how your company can grow, contact Skywalk Group today.