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Take the Stress Out of Job Interviews for Stress Awareness Month


When it comes to work stress, there are few events more stressful than an interview, and for good reason.  You might be currently at a job you hate, you are unemployed or you’re interviewing for a job that would be perfect for you.  But the experts at Skywalk Group know how to take the stress out of job interviews. 

Make it Morning

If possible, schedule your interview in the morning.  This allows you to get the stressful event over with early.  It also prevents you from dwelling on the stress all morning. 

Take the Whole Day Off

Trying to commute between offices, change, make excuses for why you have a private appointment can all add to the stress you are already feeling the day of the interview.  This is why it is best to just take the entire day off if you can.

Sleep Great for 2 Nights

Do something to exhaust yourself like a vigorous workout to allow yourself to sleep well the two night leading up to the interview.  Then your body and mind will be well rested, and you won’t give out a yawn during your interview.

Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance

The most common questions that throw interviewees off are questions about pay and questions about hours.  Prepare your answers ahead of time so that you overpromise or undervalue yourself.  You also need to know as much about the company as possible.

Don’t Over-eat

Have you ever experienced an embarrassing stomach growl in an interview?  Even worse, have you ever had to cover a burp or gas during an important meeting?  Avoid both scenarios by eating a light, but nourishing meal before the interview. 

Be Early, but Don’t Go Crazy

Having to rush to your interview can add a lot of unnecessary stress.  You want to plan to arrive 30 minutes before your interview, but stay out of the building until 10 minutes before your interview.  Also, plan for how to relax in those 20 minutes of waiting.

Know When You’ll Hear Back

Most interviewees fail to ask when a decision will be made.  However, not knowing can leave you with a large amount of stress after the interview.  It is a fair question that employers should be prepared to answer.

If you’re looking for new employment, Skywalk Group has tips on interviewing well, writing an excellent cover letter and creating a head-turning resume.  Visit Skywalk Group today!