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Why Hiring is so Hard

Have you hired the wrong person recently or are you having trouble finding qualified candidates for your job openings?  You’re not alone.  In today’s competitive job market, it is becoming increasingly difficult for employers to find talent and hire the right person, but the Skywalk Group can help.  Here are the top 5 reasons your hiring process may be preventing you from hiring the right people in 2016:

  • Long list of job qualifications – a long list of qualifications may seem like a great way to weed out all the unqualified candidates, but you’re actually turning away many of the qualified candidates as well.  While it is helpful to have qualifications listed, getting carried away with that list can hurt you.

Try narrowing your long list of qualifications to only the ones you can’t live without.

  • Focus on connections and not skills – “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” This famous phrase is starting to kill the job market.  Many job seekers are now working harder on making connections rather than directly applying, and the people doing the hiring are fitting the job to the acquaintance when it should be the other way around. 

Try to look at both the candidate and the acquaintance equally and evaluate their skills instead of their connections.

  • Experience over talent – too many recruiters are looking for experience when the inexperienced, talented candidates are being overlooked.  Just because a candidate has been around the block, doesn’t mean they are effective. 

Try to look for the candidates that have achieved more in less time and adapted quickly to the changing industry.

  • Personality over past performance – because of time restraints, many recruiters send candidates through a speed dating-style interview including a quick interview, introductions to management and the team, then a quick review of first impressions after they left.  This style places too much value in confidence and personality, and not enough value on past performance or true talent.

Try fully vetting the candidate and setting aside time for a longer interview.

  • Technical knowledge over technical application – many interviews turn into a presentation of the technical knowledge that the candidate possesses and less a presentation of what they have accomplished with this technical knowledge. 

Be sure to ask questions that challenge the candidate to answer how the technical knowledge is used on the job.

These five points are just a few of the problems with today’s hiring process.   For assistance in recruiting and hiring the right candidates, call the experts at the Skywalk Group.  We can make finding and hiring talent quick, painless and affordable!