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The Basics of Targeting Millennials for Your Business
How do you target such a massive group with your RPO? It is surprisingly easy, if you choose the right RPO (recruitment process outsourcing) strategy. Here are some easy ways to attract millennials, courtesy of Skywalk Group.
Considering RPO: How to Select the Right RPO for Your Company
Employers have reported paying an average of $3,600 for nonexempt and over $6400 for exempt positions to advertise and acquire a new hire. To avoid these high costs of recruitment and the struggle to find qualified applicants, many companies are turning to Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO).
Why Outsource Your Recruitment
Maybe, you’re aware of a large recruitment need coming down the pipeline and you’re worried about what that workload will look like for your HR team. See why other businesses have decided on outsourcing their talent recruitment.
4 Ways to Choose a Great Candidate
Almost every employer has made the mistake of hiring someone who is great on paper, but turned out to be unqualified for the job some time later. The main reason why this happens is that employers rely too much on self-appraisals, such as resumes and LinkedIn profiles
The Difference Between Active and Passive Candidates
If you are familiar with the recruiting and hiring process, you already know about the 4 main types of candidates: super passive, passive, tip-toers, and active
How to Encourage a Healthy Diet at Work
At Skywalk Group, we want you to make the most of your business. Discover how to promote good health habits throughout the office with these three simple initiatives.
How to Structure a Great Internship
A solid internship paves the way for a successful jump into the career field. Do your business (and the future workforce) a favor, and design an airtight internship program with these helpful steps.
Decreasing Stress in the Workplace
In honor of Stress Awareness Month, the experts at Skywalk Group are helping you determine if you are stressed at work and then addressing that stress with eight great de-stress tips that you can put into action at work today!
Take the Stress Out of Job Interviews for Stress Awareness Month
You might be at a job you hate, are unemployed or you’re interviewing for a job that would be perfect for you. But the experts at Skywalk Group know how to take the stress out of job interviews.